Popular pet shows and events in Canada

Popular pet shows and events in Canada | MyPetraits Blog

Canadian Pet Expo

The Canadian Pet Expo is one of the largest pet shows in Canada. It is perfect for the whole family to enjoy together. Visitors can watch and try and buy the newest pet products. Exhibitors include manufacturers, retailers, veterinarians, breeders, and service providers related to pets in Canada. The most recent performance will be a Christmas-themed show in Mississauga on November 19-20, 2022. The exhibition hall has many different areas, such as the Crown Classic Dog Show, Santa's Village, Cat Show, Birds, Small Animal Area, and more.

Ottawa Pet Expo

Ottawa Pet Expo is one of Ottawa's major local pet shows. Many manufacturers and retailers related to the pet industry came to the show, and a number of fun activities were set up in the exhibition hall, such as a pet race and fall-themed photo activity. Besides the fun activities and the wide variety of pet products, pet trainers and veterinarians are invited to the show. They are always ready to answer any questions about pets. Unfortunately, the event is scheduled for October 1-2, 2022, but we can still follow and look forward to their event next year!

Pet Lover Show

Pet Lover Show is one of the largest pet shows in Western Canada. Each year there are many exhibitors and thousands of products on display, many of which are available at exceptional prices. The show includes many pet shows and activities, such as Dog Agility, Raptor Shows, Dancing Dogs, and the SuperDogs. In addition, pets can get a free massage and nail trim in the exhibition hall. The event will be held on November 5-6, 2022.

Party 4 Paws Pet Fair

Party 4 Paws Pet Fair is an annual family-friendly pet event in Toronto. The Canadian Non-Profit Animal Rescue Foundation organizes the event. There is no admission fee, and you can adopt pets at the event, buy pet supplies to support local businesses, and make donations. In addition, there will be small activities such as a photo booth and pet snacks. The date of this year's event was Sunday, May 29; although it has passed, keep an eye out for next year's date if you are interested. The fair is hosted by Guardian's Best Animal Rescue Foundation.

Toronto Reptile Expo

Toronto Reptile Expo is a large reptile exhibition that takes place in Toronto. It is mainly hosted and supported by Canadian reptile suppliers working to provide domestic breeding of individual species. Here you can buy reptiles and many other related products and get face-to-face advice and knowledge about reptiles from the leading curators. The most recent exhibition is on Sunday, December 4, 2022.


The Canadian Cat Association (CCA) is Canada's local cat association dedicated to establishing and registering purebred cats in Canada. The CCA hosts many competitive shows designed for pedigree cats, kittens, alter, and mixed breed household pets. Shows are held in different areas of Canada and at other times of the year. You can go to a concert or register a cat for the show. More detailed information on times and locations can be found on their website.
There are a lot of events and shows for pet lovers in Canada. In this article, we have listed a few that are popular, but we will continue extending this list, so please stay tuned! :)
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